Friday, August 7, 2009

Sharing the love

Paul made this salad last night and it was fabulous! Thought I would share the love...

Paul & Jam's Everything Salad
Serves 2-3.
2 Grilled boneless chicken breast sliced on a bias
2 Hard boiled eggs sliced
1 Large head of Romaine lettuce
2 oz. Greek OR French feta cheese OR a sprinkle of grated Edam Dutch cheese
Handful of fresh blueberries
1 Vine ripe tomato
Jam's homemade pomegranate dressing (please see below for recipe)

Season chicken with salt, pepper, and garlic powder. Grill on a hot plate until tender (approx 8 minutes per side on medium heat). Remove from heat and let the meat sit before slicing. Boil water. When water has come to a boil, add eggs and boil for 12 minutes. Remove from heat and immediately immerse eggs in iced water. When eggs are cold, remove shells and slice thinly. Wash and dry romaine leaves. Chop the tomato. Layer ingredients starting with the lettuce leaves, tomato, eggs, blue berries, and cheese. Gently but firmly, slice chicken breasts against the grain on a bias. Arrange on top of salad. Drizzle Jam's homemade pomegranate dressing on top and enjoy.

Jam's Home-made Pomegranate Dressing
1.5 c pomegranate juice
2 cloves garlic minced into a paste
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
juice of 1 lemon
Canola Oil

Bring juice to a boil and reduce to half. Cool the reduction. Mince garlic and add to reduction with salt and pepper. Add lemon juice. Very slowly add canola oil and whisk until an emulsion develops. I usually use equal oil to juice for this recipe. If the dressing is too sweet for your liking, add some water and continue to whisk.

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